To make the decision to use, or change to Natural Fibre Bamboo/Organic Cotton Modern Cloth Nappies easier, these Cloth from birth items  include our Award winning Nappies that fit from birth to approx 6 months so technically they are not just newborn products.

Our all natural, no synthetic fitted lushious sooooh soft bamboo velour “Lushies”- They are softest nappy on the market besides our

Newborn-Infant Preflats that are an easy and economic answer to using Cloth nappies on your newborn.

Our versatile and super absorbent “Patterned Sandmans” that can be used as both a day nappy without a cover or night nappy with one that also fit to approx 6 months. These are also available in larger sizes. We can also make a completely natural Patterned Bamboo Fleece alternative to the Sandman with no synthetics at all.  These are called Daysies. Just email if you prefer this option. We recommend them for Summer Day use.

The all important “Heavy wetter Sandmans” for night nappying with a Woollie to keep bub as dry and comfortable for as long as possible to assist with lengthening sleep patterns. These are also available in larger sizes.The Sandmans do have a synthetic stay dry layer but over the years I have found that bubs rarely display sensitivities towards it. Boosters can be turned over to the natural bamboo side as an alternative.

Recommended accessories include –  Universal bamboo boosters, Wool covers, Lanolin and Breastpads. More condensed general information is available on request or in the individual products.  I don’t want to overload you here.   Click here for the sizing form if you are having, or have just had a baby and select the Cloth from Birth option and I’ll send out some info.

Be assured, you are caring for your baby and the environment by taking this leap of faith and grabbing the opportunity to make a substantial contribution to the health and well-being of them both, by using some of the most natural products available on the market- Something we are extremely proud of.  Mother Nature has it all organised and it is an easy care system.

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